Will I Get More Money With A Lawyer?

Counting settlement money from an accident settlement

Will A Lawyer Get Me More Money?

Imagine that you are in a car accident and are hurt due to the negligence of another driver. Whether it is a person or a company, you may consider hiring an injury attorney. Personal injury legal practice applies to any situation where you have an injury. This can be a car wreck, truck accident, pedestrian-related, slip-and-fall, or many other kinds of accidents. Regardless of the type, many of these losses have long-term damages, physically, financially, and emotionally. Walking away from the accident with enough money to get you through the experience makes a huge difference. Lucky for you, it turns out that you will get more money with a lawyer in these types of cases. Read on to discover more about why and how the process will work in your favor.

Data Doesn’t Lie – A Lawyer’s Involvement is Major

The settlement values people receive for similar injuries when they were represented by an attorney and without one is staggering. On average, people who were represented received nearly three times more. This amount is in fact, the average after the attorney’s fees. Now, we don’t know about you, but the difference between one amount and three times said amount sounds awesome! How attorneys are able to secure this amount for their clients is the result of a lot of education and experience. Schooling, internships, clerkships, clinics, and trial practice all contribute to their skills toolbox to employ for clients. Additionally, there are many different ongoing things a personal injury lawyer does to protect and help you get more money.

Get More Money By How You Communicate With Insurance Companies

As you may already know, insurance companies are not enjoyable to work with. Many insurers have been found guilty of carrying out dishonest acts. What we typically hear from our clients are blatant acts of intimidation.  These specific things are reported by our injury victims over the years:

  1. Trying to get you to admit to something that you didn’t do (oftentimes on the record and used against you!)
  2. Claiming that you are at fault for the accident and refusing to pay for injuries and damages.
  3. Denying the credibility of your medical records or saying that you should use an approved medical professional(s) for a re-assessment.
  4. Delaying the progress of your claim for an unnecessarily long time. (This often makes victims desperate, and eager to accept any offer. When this happens, they almost always end up walking away with noticeably less than they need and deserve.)

Although these seem unbelievable to some, we truly hear it all. The legal professionals at The Martindale Law Group are here to help and manage this communication. Your knowledgeable personal injury attorney will control the process and ensure the insurers involved cannot pull any of these tactics.

Your Lawyer Knows How To Fight For Your Money

We never back down from a fight – but we do our best to settle before going to the courtroom! The complex process of going to court requires the legal skill and proficiency of an attorney.  Should it rise to that level, it’s unlikely that you as a personal representative will get any compensation. The sad truth is that insurance companies do not take you as seriously as an individual. Hiring experts who know how to build up and present the case shows you are coming for the maximum amount possible. And we know exactly how to prove that you deserve every dollar!

The Process Of How Your Attorney is Paid

Personal Injury Lawyers mainly work on something known as a “contingency fee basis.” This ultimately means that they only collect a set percentage of what they are able to win for your case. Typically, this is a sense of relief, unlike criminal defense attorneys or other lawyers who charge an hourly fee. The added benefit for clients is that they need not worry about paying upfront fees. In fact, your legal team fronts all expenses until the closing of your case. Hopefully, you see that you have many reasons to be confident that your team will work diligently to recover the maximum amount possible! This brings us to highlight the bottom line: no win, no fee.

How Much Is the Contingency Fee?

An attorney’s fee for your case can change depending on a couple of specific things. In an average scenario, the amount is 33.3% of the total settlement if a case settles out-of-court. A fee of 40% is deducted from the total settlement or judgment if a case goes into litigation and liability is denied. These factors that affect a Florida injury lawyer’s percentage involve:

  • If your claim goes to trial in court
  • The worth of your case
  • Time constraints
  • If you must appeal the case

These factors can either raise or lower the fee. Please note that this percentage fee does not include filing fees, postage, or expert witness fees. Once your attorney collects their fee, then all of the other expenses come from the remaining amount.

You Will Have Us With You Every Step Of The Way

The Martindale Team has a longstanding reputation for walking alongside our clients throughout their cases. We handle anything from complex litigation to simple legal disputes. You can feel confident knowing our expert personal injury attorneys are ready to help you. We always fight for the highest compensation amount possible to offset your damages and injuries.

In the case you or a friend fall victim, feel confident hiring the Martindale Law Group. Whether an injury by an auto accident, slip-and-fall, or some other incident due to the negligence of others, contact us today. We are more than happy to discuss your case and provide a free case evaluation.

The Martindale Law GroupAttorney Rick Martindale talking about How To Maximize Your Car Accident Settlement

Our personal injury and litigation attorneys help accident victims file claims to recover damages for many types of clients. Some that we specialize in are auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, wrongful death, aircraft accidents, boating accidents, sexual abuse, and brain and spinal cord injuries. Additionally, we provide legal services to the residents of Florida who receive unfair treatment from their insurance companies. It does not matter whether an insurance claim has been denied, delayed, or mishandled. We help our clients obtain the insurance coverage they need to repair their property from fire, water, or storm damage. Commercial litigation services to plaintiffs and defendants are also available for those involved in business and commercial transactions or disputes.

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