Tag: orlando law

Driving and Visiting Florida Safely for The Holidays

Visiting Florida Safely: Tips for The Holidays It’s about that time when many begin traveling south to see family to celebrate together. Visiting Florida is truly an adventure filled with warmer weather, theme parks, inviting beaches, and vibrant cultural influence. However, during your visit to the Sunshine State, it’s essential to know and follow Florida’s […]

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Pedestrians walking across cross walk

October in Orlando and National Pedestrian Safety Month

October: National Pedestrian Safety Month in Orlando October may be celebrated for fall fashion, festivals, and Halloween events, but it’s also recognized as National Pedestrian Safety Month. The latter is our main focus as a personal injury law firm based in Orlando, FL. Let’s use this opportunity to highlight the importance of pedestrian safety during […]

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Click it or Ticket

Click it or Ticket Fact Sheet Across Florida and the United States, state and local law enforcement agencies across the nation are stepping up their enforcement efforts for those not wearing seat belts. For this year’s Click It or Ticket seat belt mobilization effort, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is asking all states […]

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